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Gwendolyn Grace Books

Gwendolyn Grace is a contemporary and erotic romance writer. Her debut novel True made Amazon's Top 100 best selling list in Women's Fiction. She loves writing steamy stories full of emotion, love, and a little bit of angst but promises wrap it all up with a happy ending somehow. When not daydreaming about fictional characters, she tries to be a fairly decent wife and an attentive mother. In her spare time, she is a blogger and book reviewer however writing has been her passion for as long as she can remember.


Alpha - Jasinda Wilder *Updated review*

4 stars. I liked it much better than I expected. I wasn't sure what too make of the H and his plans. I also kept bracing for some sort of sick and sinister twist...which turned out to not be the goal of this story all though there was a twist that did hit home for the h and her past. Very hot read (when it finally happened) and I didn't feel like there was too much. I actually could have accepted more but that's just me and my smutty mind. Entertaining. Worth the read!

Original Status Post:
The fact that everyone is saying there is too much sex actually makes me want to read this even more!!

"Too much" sex?
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There is no such thing...